
WikiLeaks meme.png


WikiLeaks is a non-profit website that releases confidential information to the public. Anyone can anonymously submit information and documents either directly through their website or one of their cover domains, via post or in person. The electronic drop box is supposedly completely secure so that submitters cannot be traced. However, WikiLeaks encourages submitting away from home and work via internet cafes or public hotspots for maximum anonymity. No sources have been revealed since the website launched in 2007.

All information submitted is looked over by a team of journalists who verify the information and write an article about it. Both the article and the original documents are posted to allow for readers to make up their own minds about it.

WikiLeaks describes themselves to be all about the truth: they want the public to know the truth whether it’s good or bad. This can definitely be helpful and educational in many cases, but it also has the potential to be incredibly destructive. Just how far will they go before a line in drawn?



A few examples of leaks:

  1. Recently, Hillary Clinton’s emails were leaked from the time she was Secretary of State (2006-2009).
  2. BNP Membership list WikiLeaks published a list of all BNP members along with their addresses and what they did for a living. Police were among the members exposed, for whom it’s illegal to be a member of the party.
  3. Helicopter footage from an attack in Iraq shows US soldiers shooting and killing a number of citizens including journalists, as well as injuring 2 children. The soldiers can be heard speaking over the radios calmly, saying things like “c’mon, let us shoot!” and laughing.


For more examples click here.



Until next week,


One thought on “WikiLeaks

  1. claudialouisemuller says:

    Hey Emma! Great concise blog post that summed up your points very well! I actually did not have much background knowledge of WikiLeaks as an organisation so I found your piece of writing very informative. I am interested to know what your opinion is on the Julian Assange aspect of the company and his current status? It is interesting to explore the differing opinions of individuals about the ethics behind this ‘citizen journalist’ as some have such differing views. Your remediation for this week was very comical and I appreciate the humour behind it, and I wonder if there have been any slip ups in the protection of users identity since the organisations birth in 2007? I do like their specified dedication for the truth, however I can understand how sometimes there may be circumstances where this could put many in harms way. An interesting concept and study for the week, so thank you for enlightening me with the background information I need to research the organisation further! If you are looking for another really great case study on exposing the truth this documentary on YouTube hits the nail on the head: Keep it up!
    Claud #BCM112


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